Great Fall Trail Runs!

2018-03-19T10:11:15-04:00Trail Running|

Steep Canyon 50K Ultramarathon & Relay Hullabaloo September 7 (Thursday) // Black Mountain, NC Charles R. Humphrey, III, bass player of Steep Canyon Rangers and ultra runner, is a co-director and sponsor of Steep Canyon 50K Ultramarathon & Relay Hullabaloo, which kicks off the Mountain Song Festival Weekend. The

Orthotics for Runners

2019-02-22T20:26:27-05:00Injury Prevention|

By Smruti Shah, DPT, OCS When I started practicing PT ten years ago, every runner wanted orthotics to either treat or prevent injury. I would measure and cast at least one patient a week. Orthotics were considered the cure-all for running injuries. Jump forward to today and fewer runners

Miso Noodle Soup


By Brandon McDearis These days, miso is not as unfamiliar to most Americans as it was even a decade ago. With the increased popularity of sushi bars and authentic Japanese and Chinese eateries around the country, miso soup is more than recognizable to most patrons. While the fermented soybean

Heisman Lunge

2019-02-22T20:26:39-05:00Core Corner|

By Elizabeth Towe In trail running, hip and core stability rule! Whether it is a smooth fire road or technical single-track trail, you need to be able to transfer weight quickly from one leg to the other and hold your body stable. To achieve this stability, the arms and shoulders must

Run for Your Life


Here’s another reason to lace up those shoes and hit the road: You may live longer. Running has already been shown to reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease, and now a study finds that people who run tend to live three years longer than non-runners. The researchers looked at

Dirty Girl Gaiters


Anyone can wear black gaiters! But a dirty girl’s gotta do what a dirty girl’s gotta do! Accessorize! Dirty Girl Gaiters keep the debris out of your shoes with ultralight style and sass. And you’ll have something fun to look at while you hang your sorry head and shuffle

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