By Brian Diaz

It’s been over a year since I first introduced the TRX crunch in this column. This month, I’m giving you a great modification and one of my most often used suspension trainer exercises for endurance and multisport athletes.

The TRX Suspension Trainer should be extended to mid-calf length when you are standing right next to the hanging trainer. You are going to put your feet in the straps, which can be done a couple of ways, but I feel the most simple way is to loop them in while in a tall kneeling position.


Kneeling on the floor or on a mat down in front of the suspension trainer, face away from the anchor point and place the foot inside the holders (the loose part under the handles). From here, we are looking to extend out onto our hands into a push-up position with the wrists directly in line with the shoulders. Staying up in this plank-like position, keep the hips slightly flexed, engaging the core and not letting the low back sag.


The first part of the movement is the push-up. Drop the body down in a controlled fashion, holding the planked position. Upon returning, initiate flexion of the knees and hips together, bringing both feet closer to the body into a crunch position.


The key here is to not let the hips drop for the entire crunch movement. Focus on pulling from the abdominals, rather than from the hip flexors, as you bring your legs in. The obliques and transverse abdominals will be co-contractors that stabilize throughout the exercise. Return back to the extended plank position without letting the back sag and then immediately start into the next push-up.

Try to create a flow and rhythm with the combined movement so that the push-up runs right into the crunch, which will run right into the following push-up and so forth, until finished with the set. This is great for muscle endurance as you work on form and continue to speed up the repetitions.

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Brian Diaz is the head physical therapist and sports specialist at ActivEdge Fitness & Sports Performance. He is a Level II Certified TRX Suspension Trainer and a USA Triathlon Certified Coach. Follow him on Twitter (@JediTriathlete) or go to his website at for more exercise ideas.