By Brian Diaz


Continuing with our introduction to the TRX Suspension Trainer, here’s another full-body functional multijoint movement that is a great way to get warmed up and rolling with the trainer with a little bit of a stretch of the lower extremities.

Start out facing the TRX anchor point, standing, with hands in the grips and fully lengthened straps. Get a wide base of support with your legs but maintain balance and do not lean backward, so that if the straps were cut you would still be standing. 


From this position, shift your bodyweight to one side, bending the knee of the direction you are moving your upper body and trunk toward and keeping straight the trailing leg. Sit back slightly on the bent-knee side so that you are pulling a little with your upper body on the handles. Hold for a couple of seconds loading the quad and glute while stretching the inside of the trailing leg.


Shift your weight back to the middle and then onto the other side and repeat the same steps as above. Alternate weight shifts from side to side.


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Brian Diaz is the head physical therapist and sports specialist at ActivEdge Fitness & Sports Performance. He is a Level II Certified TRX Suspension Trainer and a USA Triathlon Certified Coach. Follow him on Twitter (@JediTriathlete) or go to his website at for more exercise ideas.