Core Corner

Fencing Lunge

2018-03-19T12:00:13-04:00Core Corner, Sustainability of You|

By Elizabeth Towe Throughout the day, without noticing, we move in three planes of motion - front and back, side to side and rotation [sagittal, frontal and transverse]. We also combine these movement patterns for different tasks and movements. We need to be strong and stable through all three

CORE CORNER – Dumbbell Pullover in Bridge on Stability Ball

2015-03-01T19:25:50-05:00Core Corner, Sustainability of You|

By Elizabeth Towe This is an easy go-to exercise for upper body strengthening. It is multi-tasking and challenges core and hip stability. The main objective is creating strength and mobility with shoulders and arms while maintaining stable hips and torso on the stability ball. Exercise: Start in seated position

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