Empowering the Body: Getting Started

2019-03-08T15:54:45-05:00Sustainability of You|

Triathlon Training 101 Now that you are registered for the race, your most likely inclination is to start training right away.  Before you do so, it’s always a good idea to get the go-ahead from your physician.  Also, take some time to make an honest assessment of your current

Empowering the Mind: Getting Started

2019-03-08T15:54:47-05:00Sustainability of You|

Be Clear; Motivational Tool Kit and Keeping Perspective If you can consistently answer the question: “Why do I want to train for and complete Ramblin’ Rose?"– you will be prepared to push through the times of doubt or dip in motivation. In keeping with my commitment to help people

How Deep is this Water?


 The funniest question I ever heard at a triathlon pre-race meeting was "how deep is the water?"  Everyone chuckled because obviously the time to worry about not being able to stand in open water is NOT 2 minutes before the swim start!  It was very funny to me, of course,

The Lead Pack: Marshall Ulrich


   Joe sent me a random link this week with a subject line that read "Check out this guy...."  I opened it and was introduced to a guy I have never heard about, but certainly should have. Now I know that Marshall Ulrich is the man! No, I mean THE


2019-03-08T15:45:57-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

Welcome to year SIX of Endurance Magazine!After five full years, 60 issues, of cultivating a growing community of purposefully living fitness enthusiasts, we are thrilled to look ahead at all we have to do over the next five. It's what inspires us to do what we do. Over the

Hot Date!

2019-03-08T14:18:33-05:00Editor's Note + Covers, Lifestyle|

I just had the best date. Not only was my date beautiful, intelligent, funny, and perpetually interesting, but I actually had the ability to really listen to her – to internalize not only what she was saying, but how she was feeling – and considering I really like this

Empowerment Redefined

2019-03-08T15:46:12-05:00Editor's Note + Covers|

  A few months ago, after being drained by repetitive pleas from my 6 1/2 year old daughter to get a new pet, I finally told her that she could get one after she ran, and finished, her first 5K race. Knowing that she had never run more than

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