
“I was also inspired by my son’s recent bone marrow transplant to do what I didn’t think I could do.”

I had never swam laps before and had to learn how to do that. Also, I had been battling plantar fasciitis for over a year and got acupuncture to help with the pain as well as wearing a boot. The excitement and nerves I felt were palpable waiting for my turn at swimming. I loved watching others’ friends and family trying to watch the swimming portion in the windows – everyone was so supportive in completing the program! Crossing the finish line was amazing and I wasn’t tired at all. I have been able to continue to swim laps and am steadily improving my time. My son also swims laps now and my daughter goes to the gym with both my husband and me.

“I know now that I could do whatever I set my mind to do and most limitations we have are those that we place upon ourselves.”