Dear Doc,

I am a 30 year-old female runner who had a baby three months ago. I am eager to get back to running, and I have been given the green light by my OB-GYN. Should I just throw my shoes back on and run?

ABSolutely weak,


Asheville, N.C.

Dear A.M.R,

Congratulations on your bundle of joy. Before you know it you’ll see a toothless smile and forget about the sleepless nights.

Did you know that in some European countries a new mom gets physical therapy sessions to assess and correct her impairments? If you can, it is probably worth your time to have a PT evaluate you and come up with a customized plan. He or she can also perfect your exercise technique. Feel free to email me during your search as I may have some recommendations in your geographical area.

The best way to prepare to run again is to get stronger. Your body has been stretched every which way. You also have a ton of relaxin hormone in your body, which makes you dangerously flexible. Getting stronger will help you prevent injury and run more efficiently.

Some things to work on: 

  • Kegels: Be good to your pelvic floor; it has been good to you!
  • Hip strengthening: clams, side leg lifts, fire hydrants
  • Core strengthening: Pilates, planks, bridges 
  • Buy a good supportive sports bra. There is nothing like it.
  • Start with a short walk-run, e.g., 1/4 mile walk, 1/4 mile run 
  • Set short manageable goals.

You are likely running on empty (energy and sleep). Your body needs time to recover. Listen to it! Make sure you are hydrating and eating enough to meet the needs of the little one.

Last, enjoy the quiet time and sweet reunion with your endorphins. 

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Shefali Christopher PT, DPT, SCS, LAT, ATC works for Proaxis Therapy at Southpoint and Carrboro. She is an endurance athlete who just completed her first postpartum triathlon a week before her son’s first birthday. She prides herself on having the strongest core around and can often be seen breaking into dance moves during her run. Email her at Shefali.christopher@proaxistherapy.