CrossFit Corner – By Greg Ryan

The Push Press is a dynamic overhead pressing movement designed to increase shoulder and hip strength and explosiveness.  The hip extensors (primarily the glutes and hamstrings) are very large muscles with the ability to generate a great amount of force. When someone bends at the knee, as is natural when assuming a jumping position, the hip extensors elongate. If the movement is performed quickly then the body utilizes stored elastic energy and creates more force than if the movement is done slowly or with a pause.



Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width. Position bar chest high with the torso tight and perpendicular to the floor. Keep your elbows pointing downward and slightly forward.  Retract the head back by tucking in the chin. 


Dip the body approximately 3-4 inches by bending the knees, hips and ankles. Explosively drive upward with the legs, driving the barbell up off the shoulders, by vigorously extending the arms overhead. Fully extend the arms at the top and push your head and chest forward.  Return to shoulders and repeat. Remember to drive through the legs and hips while keeping your feet flat on the floor.

Add the Push Press to your training program to develop power and explosiveness.  What’s more, the Push Press is a great way to begin learning more about the Olympic lifts.

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Greg Ryan is the owner of CrossFit Durham.  He is an avid ultra-distance runner and discovered the benefits of CrossFit while training for ultra-endurance events.  He recently completed the Grindstone 100 miler by incorporating CrossFit methods into his training program.  He can be contacted at (919) 314-7655 or