By Brandon McDearis

One of the best ways to cure a sweet tooth when trying to stay healthy is by preparing the classic fruit smoothie. When done right, a smoothie can be one of the best ways to get your recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables. This basic recipe makes a great postworkout meal, breakfast on the go or a guilt-free dessert at the end of a long day. Feel free to improvise here by adding additional fruit, some low-fat yogurt, or a little protein powder if you are trying to build muscle. I usually like to thin it out a bit with a few cubes of ice. That adds a little chill to it as well. This recipe is one good serving, but you could split it into two if you want it to be a light snack rather than a meal.


1 banana

6 strawberries

½ cup blueberries

½ cup vanilla soy milk

1 teaspoon of honey

4 large cups of ice


Simply combine everything in a blender and pulse for 10–15 seconds or until smooth.

Nutrition Facts:

260 calories / 3g fat / 47 carbohydrates / 9g fiber / 6 g protein

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Brandon McDearis is a personal chef working in the Charlotte area. He currently owns and operates Your Way Cuisine, In addition to his culinary training, Brandon also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in foods and nutrition, with a concentration in dietetics. He primarily focuses on healthy cooking and addressing specific dietary needs of everyone from professional and amateur athletes to busy families and elderly people.