Mental Stamina Training


Training for more mental stamina is often over looked in training for sporting events. There is a lot of emphasis on training your body to physically complete the challenge but there is also a need to train you mind to sustain and more importantly – ENJOY – the experience. I have already touched on setting your foundation for building mental stamina: being clear on your intentions behind this goal and revisiting these frequently.

What are some other ways to build your mental stamina?

Revisit useful elements of your “motivational tool kit” (see the first RR Mind-Body Email).

Reach out to others who are training and connect with them to lend and receive support and encouragement

Learn how your mind works when you are training; be a curious observer of your mind’s patterns and behaviors when training

Rest when you body are supposed to rest your body; and rest your mind at the same time!

When I googled “ways to build mental stamina” here are some other suggestions that came up: listen to music, meditate, chant something to yourself, get familiar with the different kinds of pain.

If you have any other ways that have worked for you…please share (!

What a great opportunity this is to not only to accomplish a physical goal, but also to build up your mental fitness as well!