“I just want to tell you that the Ramblin Rose’ triathlon changes lives.”


Mary Evelyn Rowens, 35

Account Manager – Mint Hill, N.C.


It truly is a perfect place for someone who thinks of triathlons as only for the elite athlete to realize that the everyday mom can move mountains. I am forever changed in my thoughts, opinions, and motivation to do things that may seem impossible to some. Thank you for providing this race atmosphere where regular average women can feel as though they did something amazing by finally focusing on ourselves. We are no longer known by whose mom or wife we are, we are known as a triathlete and that is something not many “average” women can say. I was extremely proud of myself when I crossed the line, but I was in tears when my dear, dear friend Kristina Blake, who has always battled with her weight, crossed that finish line at over 300 pounds. She is the perfect picture of what pure motivation and determination can do for you no matter your size.  


“I have done a children’s triathlon with my 4-year-old daughter and as a family we make healthier choices all around. My husband truly supports me in anything I need or want to do with regard to training or working out or even changing things in our meals.” 


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“It instilled a sense of positivity and self-confidence in me that I did not know was possible.”


Kristina Blake, 35

Credentialing / Provider Support Services Coordinator – Mint Hill, N.C


I wanted to take my health more seriously, so I told some friends that I was looking for a BIG goal to keep me motivated. They suggested Tri It For Life. The rest is history! You’ll never forget your first race … for me it was hearing my team cheer, and then crossing the finish line into my husband’s arms so he could put my finisher’s medal around my neck. 


“Going into training every day was a battle with self-confidence for me. Was this really possible? What business did a woman of my size have even thinking she could do something like this? Those little voices needed to be silenced. It took awhile, but I finally realized that I was the only one holding myself back.”