CROSSFIT CORNER – The L-Sit and Isometric Contraction for Strength Development

By Greg Ryan

Practicing isometric contractions under load is very effective in strength development. Some studies have shown dramatic strength increases with nothing but isometric contraction exercises. The L-Sit is a static hold that can easily be introduced into your training program.  Parallettes are an indispensable training tool for developing L-Sits but the exercise can also be performed from any stable base such as the floor or two chairs.

The L-Sit develops dramatic abdominal and hip flexor strength.  Attempt to hold the L-Sit for 30 seconds using the following progression:



Tucked support

Bring both legs toward your chest and keep the thighs perpendicular to the floor.  As you get stronger begin to straighten your legs one at a time.




Single Leg L-Sit

Hold one leg bent and one leg straight.  The bent leg may lightly touch the floor as you develop the necessary strength to keep it elevated.  Ensure you alternate legs to develop strength evenly.

Remember, the goal is a 30 second hold.  Use the tucked support and single leg positions frequently as you work toward maintaining both legs in a horizontal position.  

Keep in mind that tight hamstrings and lower back will make the L-Sit position more difficult to achieve and maintain.

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Greg Ryan is the owner of CrossFit Durham.  He is an avid ultra-distance runner and discovered the benefits of CrossFit while training for ultra-endurance events.  He recently completed the Grindstone 100 miler by incorporating CrossFit methods into his training program.  He can be contacted at (919) 314-7655 or