SPORToften “Own It” Newsletter

Our newly-enhanced approach to delivering the SPORToften “Own It” has resulted in 40% improvement in overall conversions in early 2020! The SPORToften “OWN IT” is our most advanced and effective channel to reach and engage your target audience. We deliver to proactively segmented audiences to maximize engagement and conversions for your event. You have two opportunities per month to send an “Own It” and these are customized per event.

Endurance Lifestyle Newsletter

The Endurance Lifestyle Newsletter leverages content marketing to engage an audience that is interested in improving their lives through an active lifestyle with nutrition, adventure, wellness, and overall fitness columns.  This is a great place to engage with people who are looking for a goal or a way to engage other who are like-minded.

SPORToften “What’s Next” Newsletter

The SPORToften “What’s Next!” Newsletter is sent out twice monthly to our entire SPORToften audience and generates awareness to all the events that are coming up in the next 45 days.