septblog_2016_09_reason_rudolph_pg22_23_2I have been running for many years, however, I am not really sure why I started. When I began I didn’t know where I was going, or when I would get there but, I knew it felt good and things made sense when I was done! 

Metaphorically speaking, this is a blueprint for life and its challenges… if it feels good and gives clarity— do it!

Growing up I lived in a suburb of West London and I loved to run; maybe to escape the craziness of 8 people living in a small home, to avoid the neighborhood bully, or to process my thoughts.   

I remember running around my neighborhood and parks for hours designing games to keep it fun. I raced the bus to the next stop, timed myself around the block, and did ‘intervals’ before they became fashionable. Every now and then friends joined me and we challenged each other to go faster and longer. 

Along the way, I have met and trained with some amazing people, each with their own problems, challenges and motivations, but each one unique. I have an amazing and diverse set of friends to share stories.

In hindsight, I always felt that I was running away from something. I have now come to realize that I was, in fact, running to something. Making my way towards my aspirations, it was during this time that I learned more about myself and others. Long runs became the time to craft my vision of how my life would shape itself and the person I would become.    

Running taught me so much but mostly it gives me a place to think. To this day, I still enjoy a long run armed with my thoughts and the beauty of the North Carolina trails.