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The Ninja Challenge is a family-friendly, annual 5K obstacle race. Runners are faced with 15 obstacle challenges that “ninjas” would face, such as monkey bars, running on water, 8-foot-high walls and throwing stars. It takes the average participant 35 to 40 minutes to complete the course. The Ninja Challenge starts at 9am with waves every 15 minutes until 12:45pm. The vendor area features local food trucks, beer, martial arts demos, costume contests, fun obstacles, a little ninjas kids course, and music. Spectators are welcome to explore and view the entire course. Runners receive a t-shirt, ninja headband, ninja bib, and a free beer.

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The Ninja Challenge was created in memory of Karl Andrea Besas to remind us to never stop seeking new adventures and to help bring awareness to the importance of water safety. Karl was lost in a tragic drowning accident at Lake Gaston in August 2010 and to help prevent future tragedies like this; the proceeds from the Ninja Challenge benefit the Triangle Red Cross, Triangle Aquatic Center and their Make A Splash program, which helps teach underprivileged children how to swim.

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Register today at http://theninjachallenge.itsyourrace.com Ticket includes ninja t-shirt, ninja star medal, 1 beer or drink, ninja bib, and access to the vendor area.