Endurance Magazine

Most of us run for a reason.  Some just run because that’s what they do… slow or fast, long or short, track or trail… running is in their soul, which is a reason in and of itself. Some discovered running in school and never wanted to let go of the feeling of being fast. Perhaps you started running in college to stave off that “Freshmen 15” and now crave those runs more for a time to think or unwind.  For others, running started from a place of need: needing a boost in self esteem or needing a boost in healthy living.

Perhaps your reason is your altruistic nature— you run for a cause. Maybe it’s personal cause. You pound the pavement for a loved one, or the memory of a parent, sibling, or child lost too soon; in honor of someone who can’t. Running provides a way to have alone time without anyone else’s commentary. It’s your private time. Prayers are said. Memories replayed and futures imagined.

Still, other may run for a cause in exchange for training. Give something, get something. You chose a charity, set a goal, and now have a reason bigger than yourself to accomplish that goal. The bar has been set and people are expecting to see you succeed. The fear of not doing what you said you would do in front of our friends and family is your great motivator to get out there.

Others might come to running because they don’t have a choice to not run. The daily push of physical exertion becomes mandatory to keep a stable mental state. Endorphins released during intense aerobic activity create that “runners high”, reducing your perception of pain and acting as your sedative; creating a positive feeling that can last through the day.  A study from Penn State University found that to be more productive and happier, it doesn’t matter as much if you work-our regularly, but more so if you worked out that day.

We all have our reasons. Endurance Magazine wants to share YOUR reason to inspire others or maybe just to catch a glimpse of a typical runner’s slice of life. So, tell us, why do YOU run? What is your Reason to Run? We will publish selected stories in a future edition of Endurance Magazine as well as our blog and Facebook Page in our Reasons to Run Issue. You are an important part of that! So, please send your story and any picture(s) you would like to share to Stories@EnduranceMag.com.