
By Brian Clement

Quinoa is trending when it comes to healthful grains and can now be found on the menus of better restaurants worldwide. The South American powerhouse is so popular that Uncle Ben’s Rice now markets a combo with their traditional product.

While most people are climbing on the quinoa bandwagon, they underestimate the extraordinary properties this food possesses. When it is cooked, quinoa is better than the majority of its other family members, yet it loses much of its nutritional value.  An even more effective approach is to sprout quinoa by soaking it in pure water for six hours and spreading it evenly on a non-bleached paper towel. After misting it with water twice a day for two days, it is ready to harvest.

Not only is quinoa a high source of protein, it also offers a high quality essential fat and an extraordinary low sugar carbohydrate. Athletes who understand how germinating this grain unlocks extraordinary energy often use it to increase their endurance, reduce injuries and spark rapid recoveries. Eating handfuls sprinkled on a salad is helpful, yet the serious sportsman sprouts enough juice to mix with other nutritional cornerstones like sunflower green sprouts, mung bean (Chinese bean sprouts), and the licorice tasting vegetable fennel.

One only needs to combine 10 percent quinoa sprout juice, 50 percent fennel vegetable juice and 40 percent sunflower green sprout juice to enhance their times and resilience. At the Hippocrates Health Institute, we have often used this when training Olympic level athletes with great success.  New ways of looking at old challenges gives competitors an added advantage.

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Brian Clement is a licensed nutritionist and the co-director for the Hippocrates Health Institute. In addition to running this health and lifestyle education resort in West Palm Beach, FL, Clement has also authored numerous books, which explore the various aspects of health, spirituality and natural healing. His best-selling book, “Living Foods for Optimum Health,” has been acclaimed by Marilyn Diamond, co-author of the book “Fit for Life,” as “an important book for the new era of self-care,” and by Coretta Scott King as a “landmark guide to the essentials of healthy living.”