
There are a lot of important decisions to make in forming a relay run team. Team vehicles, finances, teammates and training are all very important. But probably the most important choice to make is that of your team name. A good team name boosts morale, makes people laugh, and can fit easily on a van window. A good team name can even win a contest for your team.

The best team names rely on subtle jokes and pop culture references. References to beer, wine and, in some cases, bourbon are always popular, and are usually developed during a brainstorming session where the drink referenced is being consumed. Witty acronyms are a safe bet to draw a few laughs.

Here are a few of our favorite team names:

Your Pace or Mine?

Chuck Norris Never Ran Hood to Coast

12 Angry Glutes

CHUBAR (Chafed Up Beyond All Recognition)

Pardon My Fartlek

The Mighty Endorphin Powered Strangers

Here We GLOW Again

Pokey Moms

In A Van Down By The River

Bodyglide, Blisters and Bengay

Kenya Catch Me?

Not Fast, Just Furious
There’s No App For This

Power of Attorneys

Kicking Asphalt

Mind Over Miles

Pumped up Kicks

It’s All Gouda

Rapid Thigh Movement
