Trick or Treat for Athletes

By Joe Nuss


My kids have miserable choice in candy.  After parading them around for several hours on Halloween last year, I emptied their bags prepared to take my cut in candy-commission, but was shocked at what I found – nary a piece of chocolate.  Hard candy?  Taffy?  What in the world!?!?!  


This year, I’m taking matters into my own hands.  Instead of dressing up like Harry Potter or the Mad Hatter this year, I’m wearing my best cycling outfit and bringing my latest SWAG bag.  When we hit an athlete’s house, I’ll demand some energy bars or electrolyte drink.  If your kids have poor choice in candy like mine, don your favorite running shorts & shirt, cycling clothes, or tri shorts & singlet and bring your latest SWAG bag like me!


Here are a few things you might want to keep on hand should I show up at your house!



G Series Pro Prime – Carbs + B Vitamins Drink


G Series Pro Prime is a pre-workout or pre-game fuel with B vitamins to help convert carbohydrates to energy.  Designed to be taken 15 minutes prior to the start of training or competition, it’s got 30 grams of carbs to provide fuel for exercise, B vitamins to help with energy metabolism as part of a daily diet, fast and slow carbs including isomaltulose to help moderate energy spikes.  It’s also caffeine free.