So There I Was …

By Victor Jimenez


Riding my mountain bike, flying down a narrow swath of single track. Lightning was striking all around and the trail was now nearly invisible through the torrent of muddy water. I was alone, lost and freezing in Pisgah National Forest.


The ride started off with beautiful sunny weather and an incredible climb through thick wooded twisting trails. I had planned my route carefully and was just doing a “quick loop” through some of the best single track riding in the world. If you have ever ridden in Pisgah you will know how easy it is to lose your bearings. Much of the time you can’t see through the dense forest and there are lots of connecting trails that make it easy to lose your way.


For three hours in the pouring rain I went up and down single track and just when I thought that I would never make it back, the trail popped out of the woods and into the parking lot. I was completely exhausted and covered from head to toe with mud. There is no way to describe the feeling other than being completely alive. Just me and my bike.