Just like everyone else, I am swamped. All the time. And squeezing in time to train for upcoming races has been getting tricky lately.

Earlier this month, I had a limited window to get in a long swim and then a quick bike ride. I didn’t really have much time to spare, so when I got into the pool and realized my goggles had warped in the heat of my car, my immediate stress was quickly replaced by a need to keep moving. The ‘extras’ that were hanging on the hooks at the pool had Nemo and Ariel on them (I passed), and I fearfully realized the clock was ticking. So I brilliantly decided to swim my set without goggles. I could see pretty well underwater, and I figured it would be good practice in case something ever went wrong at a race. Plus it made me feel tough since all the other sissies in the pool had to wear goggles.

The first hundred yards went well. No problems. I felt smooth. Thoughts going through included the following: “Wow, I really can swim without goggles”, “Think of the time I can save by not having to take off my goggles in a race!”, “That lifeguard must think I’m Aquaman”, “I wonder if I am actually MORE aerodynamic without the drag of the goggles”, “I’ll be the fastest swimmer alive!”

After 35 minutes and 2100 yards, I got out of the pool and was ready to sprint over to my bike, feeling great…except for one small problem. That cloudy view I had under water wasn’t going away. Apparently, the pool water had been slowly melting away my contact lenses. I’m pretty sure that’s not recommended. Worse, now that I was out of the pool, I started feeling a slight burning sensation across my entire forehead. The headache that ensued was miserable and, 45 minutes into my bike ride, my unusual level of fatigue was magnified by … how to best describe? … a specific eye-disintegration-type feeling. In stereo. On repeat.

I was pretty worthless for the next few hours. It lasted through the night and my eyes actually took about a full day to recover.

The moral: Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean that you SHOULD. If you need to take a few extra minutes to take care of yourself before/during/after a workout (or race), go ahead and take them.

More on that in our coming issues, but it’s finally Fall, and there’s a ton of stuff out there that you CAN and SHOULD do. Check out our printed calendar in the back for a taste and then go online to www.activezach.com to see what experiences are out there waiting for you. Sure it may not seem like it, but we all really do have the time.

Inspire. Perform. Endure.